Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Your Time Is Too Short for the Fun of This World
Message from Mary Mother of Triumph and Victory to Frank Möller in Reken, Germany on Heart of Mary Saturday

Mary Mother of Triumph & Victory (February 4, 2023 Heart of Mary Saturday):
"I am here!
Where are you My children, where are you?!
Your time is too short for the fun of this world. The world passes in the breath of time.
Time is grace, never forget that and become still. Time is short.
I call you to prayer of repentance and conversion, love, forgiveness and peace.
These three help you to be with Him who is life.
Announce to the world the peace that comes only from God!"
More often we hear about burglary and theft when no one was at home. That, but that's what happens inside when we're somewhere, especially through the media, you ignore that.
How much have we already been robbed of grace, life, love, peace and community ?!
Mary is still there in this transitory time to pick us up. The conversion towards the three that Mary asks of us is the condition to continue living. In our superficiality, what Mary says to us sounds simple and yet in it is all that we need and actually seek.
Let us always go into prayer knowing that She is there near us, open and ready.
Source: ➥